Free Download We Were Kings: A Deep Dive Inside the Lives of Professional Beach Volleyball Players
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We Were Kings: A Deep Dive Inside the Lives of Professional Beach Volleyball Players
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Product details
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 6 hours and 21 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Travis Mewhirter Release Date: January 30, 2019
Language: English, English
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
I am a big fan of Travis and his writing. This book is a must read for beach volleyball players and fans. Travis gives you the raw details of the grind that these men and women face just to play the sport they love. After reading this book you will feel like you know some of these players on a much deeper level. It was hard to put down. Loved the book as much as I love this sport. Can't wait for book 2.
I have been a volleyball player for many years. I have recently struggled to figure out why I was playing when I am too short for the game. Reading Travis' book brought the love of the game back to my life. In the book he struggles to find his why and that is where I was at.If you are a volleyball player, a professional athlete, or even just a casual athlete you should read this book and try to find your reason why.
Travis is a good writer and has done a great job of collecting beach volleyball backgrounds and anecdotes. Just be aware that it is primarily men's beach stories, there are only a couple of women's beach stories. Great read from the new superstar of beach volleyball journalism, recommended!
Loved all the first hand interviews wished more in the 80's 90's Mark Kerins Brent Doble and Karch interviews hoping in second book. Need some avid fan interviews too Prime Ticket etc airing more overseas stories
An amazing book about the triumphs and struggles of becoming a professional beach volleyball player. Travis' insight as a player, combined with his talent as a journalist, gives a rare look inside a great and growing sport. I couldn't put it down!
What a fun and informative book! Whether you just like to watch beach volleyball once every four years, or you are an AVP diehard, you will enjoy the heck out of this! Hundreds of interviews, personal stories, and even some technical volleyball stuff, is packed into a quick, thoroughly enjoyable read! Great job, Travis - I can't wait to read part two!
An entertaining and thorough look at the current generation of beach volleyball players. Honest and entertaining. A must read for volleyball fans.
Awesome book diving into the mysterious life's of beach volleyball players.
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